Opening hours: 10.30am - 5pm I OPEN

Terms and conditions

New admissions

A completed Childcare Application Form, Parental Consents and Agreements plus the Registration fee and deposit are required to secure your child’s place. Nursery places are allocated in accordance with details stated on the application form regarding start date and sessions/days required.

Any changes prior to the confirmed start date can only be accommodated at the nursery’s discretion and subject to availability. Written confirmation will be sent to parents once a start date has been agreed. If a parent then wishes to delay a child’s start date, the nursery requires at least one calendar month’s notice to do so and then is able to extend this for a maximum period of 4 weeks.

Registration costs £60. You will also need to pay a £250 deposit to secure your child’s place: both payments are required to process the application. The deposit fee of £250 will be refunded to you as a deduction from your first month’s nursery invoice. Unfortunately, if you later choose not to take up the allocated place this fee is non-refundable.

There will be a £20 administration fee added to your nursery account if invoices are paid late and have caused the finance and nursery teams to get in touch to resolve the issue.

Please note: The registration and deposit does not apply to parents who are only taking up their 15/30 hours ‘standalone’ Early Education Entitlement.

If the notified start date is changed by the parent, we reserve the right to charge from the original start date notified on the original Registration form.

Change of usage

Not less than one month’s written notice to expire on the last day of a month is required for any change of nursery usage. Any increase in usage is subject to availability and no guarantee can be given.

Parents should discuss any proposed change of usage with the Nursery Manager prior to written notice being submitted. One change of usage per year can be accommodated free of charge and any subsequent changes attract an admin charge of £15.

Payment of nursery fees

  1. Method of payment: Fees are charged monthly and are payable by the University Employees salary sacrifice scheme (please ask for further information)
  1. Non-payment: The nursery operates on a self-financing basis and a nursery place will be withdrawn if nursery fees remain unpaid. It is our policy to recover unpaid nursery fees and legal action will be taken where necessary.

  2. Fees will be charged at the full rate for periods of holiday including Bank holidays, staff training and sickness or where the nursery is closed temporarily in exceptional circumstances. Fees are not payable for University Closed Days.

  3. Late collection of children: An additional charge to cover staff costs will be applied in the event of late collection of children at the rate of £5.00 per child (up to 5 minutes late); £10.00 per child (the next 5 minutes) and a further £5.00 per child per minute thereafter.

  4. If a parent ceases to be a member of staff or student, a different charging rate as appropriate will apply as per the current Fees.

Salary sacrifice

Membership of the scheme is for 1 year, which commences on 1st September and expires on 31st August. If you join part way through the year you will be a member until 31st August. Once enrolled on the scheme you will have agreed to monthly salary sacrifice payment until 31st August on the nursery usage requested prior to joining the scheme. Towards the end of the academic year you will be given the opportunity to continue membership of the scheme or leave it.

Download more information about the Salary Sacrifice scheme

Required information

  • if their child has an infectious disease or an existing injury

  • of anything affecting their child’s health, including dietary requirements

  • of any changes to contact details immediately

  • of alternative / emergency contact details and ensure that these are kept up to date at all times

  • of any changes in parental responsibility, legal contact details or any court order affecting their child and provide a copy


  1. You may terminate this agreement and withdraw your child from the nursery by giving not less than one month’s written notice to expire on the last day of a month, (ie, notice received on the 1st of a month would end the contract on the last day of the month, but notice received on the 2nd of a month, would only be able to end the contract on the last day of the following month)

  2. Please Note: Once you have submitted a termination form you may not reapply for a nursery place at any of UOB nursery for a period of 3 months after the date of termination.

  3. We reserve the right to terminate this agreement immediately if:
    • you have failed to pay your fees by the due date
    • you have breached any of your obligations under this agreement and you have not or cannot put right that breach within a reasonable period of time of us drawing it to your attention, or
    • you behave in an unacceptable manner. In particular we will not tolerate any physical or verbal abuse towards staff, children or visitors in the nursery

  4.  When written notice of termination has been given, a child may be withdrawn during that notice period but full payment of nursery fees will be required in advance of termination date up until and including the date of termination

Complaints procedure

If you have any concerns regarding the service we provide, please discuss these with your child’s key worker. If these concerns have not been resolved to your satisfaction please contact the Nursery Manager.

Customer satisfaction is of great importance to us and any concerns/complaints will be reported to the Child Care Services Manager. You may also wish to submit your complaint in writing to Paula Hunt, Childcare Services Manager, The Oaks Pre-school unit, 10 College Walk, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 6LQ or if you prefer OFSTED telephone number 0300 123 1231.

Safeguarding Statement

Parents should be aware the nursery has an obligation to report any instances where we consider that a child may have been neglected or abused to Birmingham Safeguarding Children Board. We may do so without your consent and/or without informing you.

Car parking

There are designated areas in the nursery car park for dropping off and collecting children. If these bays are full please ensure that you park your car carefully. Under no circumstances should any car be left parked in an unsuitable manner that will cause danger to children or to the general public.

Download a copy of these Terms and Conditions